How can Vocational Rehabilitation help reduce absence and improve productivity?

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Vocational Rehabilitation is an intervention offered to those with physical, psychological and/or social difficulties enabling the individual to sustain and/or return to work.

Illuminate vocational health assessments are holistic and encourage a 2-way process of health management from both the staff member and the organisation. Our team has a range of specialisms including complex mental health, medical, physiotherapy and neurodiversity. Meet the team here.

CIPD research shows that external and expert guidance is the number 1 way of supporting return to work and addressing absence at work. Yet, 68% of companies using this external support only do so as a reactive response to long term sickness absence. Accessing specialist guidance on reasonable adjustments and support early brings a ROI of at least £3 for every £1 spent.

Illuminate’s approach is holistic, client-centred, straightforward and practical. Through our experience supporting hundreds of individuals with a range of complex health needs to overcome barriers to work, we ensure that recommendations and guidance are appropriate for your industry and workplace.

Illuminate can support with referrals either on an ‘as and when’ basis, or work as your vocational rehabilitation provider for a more joined up approach, able to offer additional support with addressing absence or performance concerns that may be linked to wellbeing initiatives. This could also include the reviewing of new starter health questionnaires as a proactive approach to keeping staff healthy and in work.

What can we deliver?

  • Vocational and occupational health assessments
  • Return to work planning and guidance
  • Absence management guidance
  • Case management for complex situations
  • New starter health questionnaire management

Early interventions bring the most positive outcomes. It is best to refer when:

  • An individual’s health is impacting on their motivation, performance, or attendance
  • Specialist guidance is needed on support, reasonable adjustments, or a phased return to work plan
  • Where a job role may pose a risk to an employee’s health
  • Where further medical guidance is required